Lucia Arana

Lucia was born and raised in Lima-Peru. Her passion for photography started when she was only 15 years old. She studied advertising and graphic design but knew her heart was in photography. She went to the states and started doing fashion photography workshops where she had the chance to study with international known photographers like Peter Lindbergh, Norman Jean Roy, Platon, Andrew Eccles, Frank Ockenfels, Nadav Kander, Christian Witkin, Max Vadukul among others. All these experiences made her take the final decision to found Zul Studio in 2005 along her lifetime friend and associate Vanessa Levaggi where they work mainly in advertising and fashion photography. Lucia now works between Lima, New York, Miami and Europe doing what she loves. She has shown her work at the Photo Plus Gallery and The Tasting Room both located in NYC, in ESPACIO in Los Angeles and in the ICPNA Gallery in Lima.
Some of her clients include Vogue Latin America, Coca Cola Company, Sprite, LOreal, Garnier, Maybelline, Colgate, Direct TV, Movistar, Nescafe, Esika, among much others.

C. +51 992 736970 / T. +51 1 446 3092 / +51 1 446 2565